Monday 2 July 2012

The little things....

Looking at my daughter, my god children and my nephews, I realise that life is passing by extremely retrospect it seems like I was pregnant for 5 minutes and now my Emily is suddenly nearly 3.  I am also turning 35 this year, well this month (sob!) and this morning I had a "chat" to my hubby...about us seriously thinking about No 2 and all that having a baby entails.  All of this got me thinking about how we very rarely stop and smell the flowers because life gets so busy...and how often we put things off because "now is not the perfect time" - not realising that there will never be a perfect time...ever!  Whilst unfortunately I can't halt time (trust me, if I had the secret formula I would halt the ever-increasing wrinkles!), I have decided to catch a wake up and appreciate the little things, stop procrastinating and start DOING (and I'm not just talking about baby-making here)!!

Just like anything else, appeciation and enjoyment I think are decisions that you have to make so that you view and approach things in a different way, almost like taking off your busy blinkers and refocusing on the blur as your life speeds by.  Do you remember when you were a kid?  How you didn't want to go to sleep at night for fear you might miss out on something, or how you couldn't wait to jump out of bed in the morning to get the day started?  A few things stand out in my mind as particularly special.  I remember feeling so excited to help my dad plant vegetables, and then seeing them grow!  It was magical!  Putting on my mom's purple boots (oh how I wish I had those boots now, they were SO cool) and how she let me wear them to the library (I must have looked absolutely ridiculous...but that day I felt like I was the bees knees!) Making a "house" out of blankets and then sleeping there with my brother and our friends...staying awake until what we thought was midnight to sleepily eat our midnight!  All that pure joy does get diluted with the onset of hormones...and for doesn't really come back does it?

Well, I am of the opinion that for those of us who get to have children, god-children, grandchildren, its almost like we get a second chance to remember what being a kid feels see the wonder in a childs' eyes the first time they see a butterfly, the complete unadulterated pleasure when they catch a ball, or go on a ride, or laugh at themselves in a mirror...or do something themselves...the list is endless...and how fortunate we are to experience those things with them.  Those little things are the big things, their experiences shape who they are, and our interaction and being truly present in these moments creates a bond that will stand the test of time...and hopefully the hormones!

This amazement and appreciation should extend beyond our children too.  Something I have learnt (with litres of coffee and hours of talking and learning from amazing women and mothers) is that you need to have balance so that you CAN appreciate other parts of you and your life that are equally important.  Too much focus on one thing throws you out of kilter...and out of kilter means not being in a space to appreciate anything! Being in that space often makes us procrastinate because things are just not "right" to do this or do that...and before you know are still in the same dead end job, unhappy space...and years have gone by in a blur with no outstanding moments to mention. Sound familiar? 

When last have you really just taken the time to look at the people that fill your life (warts and all) and really thought about what they mean to you and telling them that? Too often we are so focused on going the distance, that the foreground becomes blurred...all the people in our lives sort of melt into one fuzzy shape, for comfort, reliance, assistance, company, support...essentially all that makes our lives worth living.  Scary thought isn't it?

Thinking about all of this makes me realise this: Take the time to enjoy it when your child wraps their arms around you and says I love you, or better yet...grab them now and tell them you love them!  BBM, facebook, text or phone your friends when they cross your mind or miss them.  Have coffee with your bestie.  Tell them how much they mean to you.  Write your partner a love letter.  Enjoy the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans when you grab your morning flat white for a moment before dashing off to start your day.  Give your mom and dad a hug (in-laws included).  Spend an hour with your grandparents.  Listen to the sound of rain drops against your window panes.  Take lots of photographs.  Start living a healthy life. If there are parts of your life that make you unhappy, change have but ONE life to live...this one.  So make it count. There is so much to be thankful for, to enjoy and appreciate. With your new refocused eyes and state of mind...I promise you will be amazed. I dare you! 

Yours in amazement...
(despite the love handles...or celebration of the love handles...)


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