Wednesday 22 January 2014

That awesome moment...

Last night I worked out so hard my knees were sweating. It was late, I hadn't had a chance to work out yet and I almost just lay on the couch after putting my daughter to bed. BUT I didn't! My determination pushed me through and I ended up having an absolutely amazing workout. 

I was so hot and sweaty I sent my friend a photograph of what my face looked like afterwards (cos sharing is caring) and she said I looked like Violet Baumgarten from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, post turning into a blueberry (ok the light was not in my favour) gave me a laugh of note and as I stepped into a cold shower I was so happy that I did my workout and that I have so many people supporting me :) 

So it's day 10 of my #100day challenge and my awesome moment was this morning when I got up and for the first time my body just felt different...and when I put my jeans on, I realized! I've lost weight!!! I don't know how much yet, but it doesn't matter because this feeling far outweighs grams or kilograms!!  Besides exercise I am also following the LCHF way of eating, which is low carb and high fat, and honestly I feel fantastic! I will write more about that soon! 

So upwards and onwards and we're into the double digits baby!! Whoop!!!

Just remember if you start today, or tomorrow, guaranteed it's going to be the start of something amazing! A friend shared with me a video montage of the 70.3 ironman 2013, and one of the participants says, and I quote, "Only those that attempt the absurd achieve the impossible". I just love that and that's going to be my mantra from now on!

So cheers to the absurd and on to the impossible!

More updates soon!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Something big...

So ... I have been silent for just over a year, blog-wise that is. You know when you have lots to say but you can't find the right words? Well, that's how it's kinda been. In short, the past year has been pretty tough but I'm still standing! A little on the heavier side ... but I'm baaaaack baby!!!

I decided I needed something big to get my weight loss and fitness going...something to start me off with a bang...and trust me this ain't the first time I have tried desperate measures!! About 2 years ago (for ease of reference I will call that weight loss attempt WL#005), I thought perhaps a naked picture in VERY bad lighting might get me really motivated...and it did until my then-2 year old decided to randomly scroll through my photos on my phone and then hand my phone to my best friend...who literally got an eyeful of parts of me I don't think she wanted to see!!!!! LOL!!! Thankfully it was to my bestie and we still laugh about it today! 

Be that as it may, this time around,  (WL#007) I decided no naked photos, just hard work, determination and gut-wrenching gutzpa!  As I was thinking about how I would make this my very last weight loss attempt I started trying to figure out why previous weight loss attempts did not work. I came to realize that in order for changes to really happen you have to change your life. And how do you even start to do that? As I was trawling through the internet I came across such an inspiring video of a woman who decided to change her life by exercising for 100 days straight...and her results are phenomenal!!! The link is on . 

I watched this video and I decided that for weight loss and fitness to be truly lasting I need to change the trajectory of my life. In order for that to happen I decided that my something big would be making a commitment to doing exercise for 100 straight days!! You see, I realized that changing trajectory is actually pretty have the "something big" as your bigger picture, but you have to slowly, inch by inch move your compass in the direction that you want to end up. It's hard and takes determination, and 3 days a week is just not going to cut it!  I realized that for every inch you move forward, you can so easily lose it the next day and then struggle to catch up on not 1 but 2 steps in the direction you want to go. I decided...this time around I am going to have the upper hand, and be a step ahead. 

So, I'm on day 3 and feeling fabulous I have to say! I know that it's going to get harder to keep up, and I'm going to get tired and grumpy, but I also know that im not going to give up and I can't wait for my body to get into the swing of things and really start to feel like MY BODY again (minus the wobbles).  Lucky for me I know I am not alone...I have so much support from friends and family and better yet...I have around 10 friends who have taken up the challenge with me. 

In conclusion, upwards and onwards from here!!! I will post updates as the #100days tick by. And if you are reading this and have a goal to lose weight or get fitter... Do something big, make it your #Day1 of #100days tomorrow!!!

Yours in love handles,
Me xx